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  [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug

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Number of posts : 2810
Age : 48
Location : Warrington, UK
Registration date : 2008-03-10

 [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug Empty
PostSubject: [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug    [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug EmptyThu Nov 04, 2010 3:55 pm

((copied from: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=15110946781&sid=1 ))

*Sign posts are placed all over Orgrimmar and the surrounding areas. The message is painted in large red orcish runes and the symbol of the Warsong clan is displayed clearly on the top right hand side.*

[b]Citizens of Orgrimmar:[b]

Let it be known that with immediate effect the service order of the Warsong eilte are now posted within Grommash hold within Orgrimmar. Working hand-in-hand with the regular Kor’kron guard, The Warsong Blades will operate within the jurisdiction of the acting Warchief to keep order within the city walls. Investigations are currently underway on the suspicious behaviour occurring in the drag. Treacherous acts, including compromising the security of Orgrimmar should be reported immediately and shall be met with heavy force.

Message from the Warsong officer structure:

“I say to you great warriors of the Horde, as I said to those who have lived, fought and died for the Warchief. As I have said to those younglings who have taken up the axe in the name of the mighty Horde for the first time. We as a nation, we as individuals, as a stalwart society built on glory and blood have nothing to offer but strength and sweat to lend to its greatness. That is all the Horde requires, citizens and warriors like you, the very cogs that turn within the boundless and terrifying machine that is the Horde.

We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and suffering. As result of the war in the north we are left under resourced and a shadow of what we were. Now within our walls, as the very ground beneath our feet trembles, rumours and whispers of an impending doom breed. Now we ask, what has changed? Conflict and strife has always existed with the world. The pathetic other nations of the alliance, the dismal shadow council and now these cultists speak of a threat to our very survival. Us Orcs! Who have already seen the destruction of one world. I can say this: It is to wage war with all our might and with all the strength that the spirits can give us; to wage war against this feeble act of terrorism should it come knocking on the gates of Orgrimmar. That is our policy, that is our strength.

And should it come, what of us? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. Let that be realised; no survival for the Horde, no survival for all that the mighty Horde has stood for. Ignore these prophets’ words and take heart in our united strength, and should the earth crack beneath our feet and demons rise up again to sweep across the land. I say this. Let them come! Let them taste the full might of the sons and daughters of the Horde! Lok’tar Ogar!”

The Horde and the Warchief shall be victorious.
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Number of posts : 2810
Age : 48
Location : Warrington, UK
Registration date : 2008-03-10

 [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug    [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug EmptyMon Nov 15, 2010 4:10 pm

((reply by Nazrug))

*The announcement has been hammered into posts, sign boards and tree trunks through the city and Horde controlled sections of Durotar, as well as the borders into other regions. Heralds read the words aloud from towers and ramparts throughout the region before and after every meal of the day.*

Citizens of Orgrimmar,

Warsong patrols now circle the city on a daily basis and are recognisable by their uniform and the symbol of the clan. They are here to aid the strong and help those currently unable to defend themselves. Please report any suspicious activities involving the use of fel energy, treason and the word of the Warchief being broken by the cults.

For official queries, General Katalmach Duskclaw or Elder Nazrug Thundercaller can currently be found in Grommash hold.

Victory to the Horde!
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Number of posts : 2810
Age : 48
Location : Warrington, UK
Registration date : 2008-03-10

 [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug    [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug EmptyMon Nov 15, 2010 4:11 pm

((reply by Katalmach))

Orgrimmar Operations Log
Warsong Blades Report VI
Unto Garrosh Hellscream

For The Eyes Of The Warchief

With Warchief Thrall's departure several days past, I am pleased to report that the populace is responding very positively to your advancement to the throne. My soldiers report that Thrall's absence is barely felt in Orgrimmar. The people exult that the Hero of Northrend watches over them, and your presence and strength do much to reinforce morale in the face of current crises.

The city is sealed as per your orders. Your Blades bolster the guard forces at the city gate. The searches continue, but even so we have been unable to fully prevent further agents of the cult from slithering into the city. In the last twenty four hours alone, my men have arrested more than two score subversives for suspicious activity in the shadows of Orgrimmar. The cells at the Ring of Valour are filling quickly. Every effort is being taken to contain the crisis, but I am concerned with the momentum that the cult has gained. Reports of missing persons have increased tenfold from what they were a fortnight ago. In order to continue maintaining order, we may need more of a military presence in the streets.

Should it please you, I can recall more reserves from Ashenvale to serve you here in such a capacity. Ashenvale remains quiet, on account of the unfortunate truce that Warchief Thrall bound us to. The soldiers in the forest are some of your best; they are frontier warriors, not city sentries. They are Warsong. Their loyalty is with you, and I trust them not to be compromised by the fear sweeping the population in Durotar which serves to fill the ranks of the cult. If we are not to deploy such forces to battle, they would serve well to enforce the law in Orgrimmar. Elemental rifts have been appearing sporadically in the forest, but such occurrences are well in hand. A division of the Outriders has dedicated itself to dispatching the rifts in the absence of armed conflict with the night elves, and their efforts have met every success.

As the truce precludes us from activity in the contested regions of the forest, I have relocated our Pathfinders to the menial duty of hunting in Azshara. The region is untamed and dangerous to hunt in small groups, but unlikely to provoke accusations of treaty infringement as hunting in Ashenvale would. Results so far have been positive, but Azshara is not unaffected by the drought that has us facing the threat of famine in Durotar. The Pathfinders report that the herds of prey animals there are thinning out considerably, but there remains enough to make a considerable difference in our food shortage. The problem we are faced with in this regard is one of manpower. We don't have many hunters available to send searching for game. I intend to put out calls for volunteers with the appropriate skills to send to Azshara. Despite all that has changed, we have always been a race of hunters as well as warriors, and the same holds true for our fellows, the tauren and darkspear. It is my hope that the population steps up to face this crisis, that each member of the Horde may do his part.

The goblin Gazlowe, of Ratchet, has arrived in Orgrimmar to begin reconstruction work on the portion of the city that was consumed by the Chophouse fire. I believe he made a contract with Warchief Thrall, though you will know better of such things, Warchief. I have instructed some of your Blades to serve as honour guard for this goblin as befitting his status as the master of Ratchet. His work crews will not be hindered by the machinations of the cult. Of that I will make sure.

Though the crises facing us are significant, I am eager to face them. Your Blades will serve as an example to the people, and embody your strength and conviction as an example of honour to contrast the message of depravity and nihilism that the cult is spewing. The Horde has ever thrived when challenged; this will be no different. May these events be remembered as the first of many great successes to mark your glorious rule in Thrall's absence.

Glory to your name, Warchief.

In Hellscream's Service
Katalmach Duskclaw

[ Post edited by Katalmach ]
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Number of posts : 2810
Age : 48
Location : Warrington, UK
Registration date : 2008-03-10

 [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug    [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug EmptySun Nov 21, 2010 11:38 am

Karitar winced as she unclipped the heavy steel bracers covering her forearms, the skin beneath was raw and burnt. She swore silently to herself as she dropped the scorched and beaten armour onto the thick oak armoury desk. The armourer scoffed as the last item clanged across the table. He was a thick and short orc, he wore a vest and heavy mail leggings. His face looked aged and hard, it growled bright red with the constant pulse of the forge embers nearby. He began to work his way through the armour judging the repair work.

“Come back in the morning, I’ll have it usable again.” He said simply as he went to work

Karitar turned back out into the city, people were starting to calm and the fires were starting to disperse. The struggle had been intense and the district was in ruin. The bodies of the fallen, charred and broken remnants of what they once were, scattered the streets. The grunts of Orgrimmar, the mighty soldiers of the horde had repelled the attackers but in all their glory, they seemed so mortal now. Karitar looked on as they sat on the ramparts and walkway, tending to their own wounds. Some would not make it.

“Lok’tar Karitar!”

A tremendous thump struck her back, but she managed to save her footing. She turned and with all her might struck the culprit in the face with her unprotected and scorched hand. It was Geraark a Warsong soldier she knew from the camps. He took the strike square onto his thick orcish skull. Without so much as a pause, he chuckled. A thin stream of blood trickled from his nose.

“That’s the spirit, girl! Trk'hsk and death by the axe!”

He continued on, shouting at the recruits that he knew as he made his way out of the valley. It was at that point Kariatr noticed a change within herself. Her world had changed for this young pup, she no longer had her father as a buffer between the real world and herself and the simple things she once treasured seemed so trivial in the scheme of things. She brushed her hand through her long dark hair it was knotted and burnt. It served her no real purpose.

“It’s got to go.” She simply said.
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Number of posts : 2810
Age : 48
Location : Warrington, UK
Registration date : 2008-03-10

 [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug    [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug EmptySun Nov 21, 2010 11:39 am

Rasczak yawned tiredly, surveying the newly caused damage to the drag. Rubble littered the pathways, huts had caved in on themselves. The walls and ground were blackened and charred, even with the barriers placed throughout Orgrimmar,the elements where hard to contain, spreading through the city with relative ease.

Due to this, the patrols for every grunt in the city had increased, meaning his already tight-scheduled patrols had increased largely. The battles against the elementals where fierce and costly, they wern't your average foe, not easily cut down, no head to dislodge. The most simpliest information being given on how to defeat them being to aim for their large bracers. Even then, such a task was made a nightmare, as most of the fire elementals came in large frenzied groups, and nearly every encounter risked heavy burns, whether it was being cooked alive in your armour, or charred to your bones with any.

His eyes where rimmed black with his lack of sleep. The odd tremor beforehand had made it tough, and was made near impossible now at this stage of the problems. His body scored many bruises and burns, and his armour had long since lost its usefullness, sporting numerous dents and folds, large gashes in the steel, and some even reforming its shape under the immense heat. Even so, he still wore it, plainly due to the reason of wanting to use any free time to try and sleep.

He sighed, looking at his axe. The large blade on it, being good quality, had succumbed to the endless confrontations with the elementals, its edges now dull and jagged, dents visable.

'Oi, Burlak!' He knew the other orc well, a grizzled grunt having served orgrimmar from the day it was completed, his white stubble clear, his face having the same sleep deprived look as his own. 'How's the Armoury looking? Reckon I've any hope of getting something fixed while im still breathing?'

'Hahah!, A full out Kal'dorei invasion on the city is more likely than that Ragefist, the place is filled to the rim with broken equipment, now quit slacking and get up, them over there dont look right'. Burlaks face twisted into a frown, pointing down the pathway towards a small group of suspicious looking orcs.

'Bah! You just had to spot them Burlak...lets hope these curs trie to gut us, Ive not spilled blood in a week damnit..' Sighing, he heaved his axe over his shoulderplate, allowing his hopes to rise slightly with the thoughts of good old fashioned bloodshed.
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 [RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug Empty
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[RP]: Lok'narash! The Warsong shall stand. - by Nazrug
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