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| [RP] The Last Bastion... by Baelthun | |
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Vypra Admin
Number of posts : 2810 Age : 48 Location : Warrington, UK Registration date : 2008-03-10
| Subject: [RP] The Last Bastion... by Baelthun Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:10 am | |
| ((copied from: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=14870027080&sid=1 - Vyp)) The grey scudding clouds slept tranquilly above the Thandol, as the stolwart Battalion marched forward, through the swampy marsh, avoiding cunning "orcish" traps, and the torrential bursts of rain, alongside a shrewd goblin, trying to make some coin. We marched up onto the Thandol, as we sat weary from our travels as we saw before us the mightiful Kor'kron stood above on the high ground of the ancient bridge, as we grinned with awe of their display of strength and more importantly their numbers...The mighty leather-clad heirloom of the Ironhammer's their mighty horn was gripped and blew loudly as a sound of triumph as the valiant Battalion charged forth "Charge!" "For Khaz Modan!" The yells echoed even fear into the hearts of the Horde, as the battle ensued, we were forced to take garrison in the nearby Dun Modr, battling through the unsuspecting dark iron to better garrison ourselves. as we went to man the gate exausted from our endeavours it was too late and they were upon us as we were savagely pushed back further. However the infamous Longbraid the Grim joined the fray with his riflemen, managing to repel the second onslaught. Moreover, as we gathered ourselves with a final surge of valour and courage, we knew we held the herald of those orc's fates tightly in our grasp, as they charged out trying to force them out from their posistions, with untrembling might and fury, we were unable to push the Horde back, immovable. We scraped the tattered battlements together admist the chaos creating make shift bandages, as darkfall was drawing near, the rain and violent storms poured through the Wetlands as the dwarves and their allies chuckled slightly beaten badly, for the orc's unlucky fate, however things soon grew tense: "Even the bastards now huddle together in their primitive orcish packs, they know the indominable righteous dwarven incursion has come. For Honour my brothers!" As the maurading orcs charge through the last fortress, as an epic battle takes place, comrade and foe falling we are beaten to our backs gravely injured due to orcish honour, a taken to our valour and strength, or perhaps for us to send a message for anyone who dare enter the Arathi Highland beware, they let us flee stumbling woozily, unaware of our surroundings as we collapsed at Longbraid's barracade... Report End Sergeant Baelthun Ironhammer -Khaz Modan Battalion. OOC: A short description of the epic events that unfolded this evening, a roleplaying event that will especialy be remembered by my guildies, as the roleplay before the plot with the facing the Kor'kron was superb and the Kor'krons awsomeness and co-operation finished the event of better then I had hoped ;D. [ Post edited by Baelthun ] | |
| | | Vypra Admin
Number of posts : 2810 Age : 48 Location : Warrington, UK Registration date : 2008-03-10
| Subject: Re: [RP] The Last Bastion... by Baelthun Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:11 am | |
| Fedelor was already exhausted when Sergeant Baelthun yelled "To arms lads, lets slay whatever enters the fortress!". The rain was now pouring down. "At least they're soaked" said one of them. After that there was chaos. Fedelor saw the closest greenskin and started to swing his sword against him, trying to block the orcs axe. However the Orc was too strong and far more experienced than Fedelor, striking him down without noticable effort.
With an extreme headache and a bleeding body, Fedelor woke up to silence. The Kor'kron were gone. He managed to rise to his knees and whisper a prayer to the Light, asking to get some of his strenght back. Slowly rising to his feet, he heard Baelthun ordering everyone to pull back, admitting defeat. "Don't worry men, we will make them pay. I mean, what did they win today? A mere fort? It will take a much greater force to capture the Wetlands!". It was Athran trying to make the situation look better.
At camp, Fedelor did what he could, calling for the Light to heal his brothers. Finally done, he lied down, closed his eyes and mumbled "Good night..", before falling to sleep immediately.
OOC: One of the best RP events I've been to, really nice building up the atmosphere before the battle. A huge thanks to Baelthun organizing it and a big thank you to the Horde forces we fought, awesome!
[ Post edited by Fedelor ] | |
| | | Vypra Admin
Number of posts : 2810 Age : 48 Location : Warrington, UK Registration date : 2008-03-10
| Subject: Re: [RP] The Last Bastion... by Baelthun Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:12 am | |
| The Kor’kron marched swiftly through the Arathi Highlands, in tow of Overlord Blackscar. The overlord slowly read through the report he held within his grasp once more before scrunching it up in his massive boulder like palm. Increased Alliance activity had them on the move, their orders were to blockade the Thandol Span and repel any Alliance foolish enough to try and go through them, no Alliance were to reach the Highlands. A smirk spread beneath the overlord’s face plate at the thought, after being stuck in the Undercity for the past few months he was looking forward to the… change of scenery and prospect of violence.
The ancient and partially ruined bridge stood before them, Blackscar raised his hand, signalling for his troops to halt. The deep thundering voice of the Overlord echoed through the ranks. “We make a blockade across the centre of the bridge, no Alliance dogs are to push through and we have orders to repel and defeat all those who would try to get closer to Horde territory. Strength and Honour!” The Kor’kron swiftly took their place in the centre of the bridge, forming a stalwart wall of steel and muscle. Their eyes remained vigilant as they scanned the horizon for the reported Alliance forces.
It wasn’t too long before the Alliance forces of the Khaz Modan Battalion stood at the foot of the bridge looking up at the Kor’kron, seemingly lead by a dwarf commander. Their commander shouted in their alien tongue and their battle cries were met by the orc’s own war cries. “Slay the enemies of the Horde! Lok’tar Ogar!” The forces charged and a sharp clash of steel reverberated through the air. Both sides fought hard and after several minutes streaks of blood stained the floor. The Kor’kron’s superior numbers were enough to drive their foes off with minimal casualties. “Regroup and pursuit!”
The Alliance fled in to the confines of Dun Modr, annihilating the Dark Iron resistance there. The Kor’kron quickly set up a temporary camp nearby their new fort and began preparing for their assault immediately. “Bloodbane, Grokk, Ocralia, Thonds, start the assault, reinforcements shall join you once you’ve broken their initial defences. Bring our enemies to their knees!” The assault began and although met by resistance the first wave of Kor’kron splintered their barricades and broke in to their stronghold. The second wave of Kor’kron met up with the first shortly after. The Kor’kron forces tore through their opposition until met by a hail of lead from the dwarven riflemen. Taking losses and being beaten back by the dwarven firearms they withdrew to regroup and attack once more with renewed vigour.
The Kor’kron stood ready as the rain began to drum down against their armour, a fine mist sweeping through the battlefield. Overlord Blackscar shook the water out of his eyes as he raised his bloodied blade forward. “Slay them all!” Blackscar roared as he started the charge. “For the Horde!” The orc’s war cries filled the air once more as they charged the Alliance. They’d regrouped and prepared themselves at the back of their stolen fort, ready for the Kor’kron’s attack. Once again both sides clashed, their final battle had begun. After a gruesome engagement which involved casualties from both sides the Alliance were beaten. The banner of the Horde was placed in the centre of the decimated Alliance ranks. “This day was won in the name of the Horde; let this serve as a warning for those who would stand against our might! Blood and Thunder!” The Kor’kron, out of honour and the wish for their victory to be told amongst the Alliance as a warning let the remaining battered Alliance flee with their lives and tarnished pride.
((Just like to say thanks to the Khaz Modan Battalion in contacting us about this event, it was most enjoyable and they made it a very entertaining event indeed, I look forward to our next event very much so. You guys were great!))
((by Garshak)) | |
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